
In the new/existing reports, go to Charts on the left-hand side navigation panel of Reports to view the virtually unlimited options Wobby provides to update/edit your chart:

You can update the Report title at the top right-hand corner and choose to keep the report private, or make the report public.

  1. Undo and Redo buttons.

  2. To Flip the chart vertically or horizontally, click Flip and choose from vertically, or horizontally.

  1. Toggle aesthetic Effects ON/OFF

  1. Select a color Theme from the options

  1. Similar to editing Charts in Workspace, you can update your charts here by clicking Select Sub-Type

  1. Click Position to adjust:

  • Layer position of the selected chart

  • Chart alignment

  1. Drag transparency from 0 to 100.

  1. Toggle lock ON/OFF to update chart characteristics/prevent changes.

  2. Copy chart.

  3. Delete chart.

  4. Download the chart as PNG, JPG, or PDF.

  1. Duplicate page.

  2. Create new page.

  3. Click on the chart to view Wobby's suggestions and other tools:

Shift and select all the elements on the page to group them.

Last updated