๐ŸงพFiltered Search Examples

  1. No Filter, Sort by Relevance

The default search result is sorted by relevance.

  1. No Filter, Sort by Recent

  1. Filter by Publish Time

Publish time is the publication/update duration of the data. Choose between

  • Any time for unrestricted results with context to time frame.

  • Last 24 hours for data published/updated within the last 24 hours only.

  • Last 7 days for data published/updated within the last week only. It will include results from the last 24 hours as well.

  • Last 30 days for data published/updated within the last month only. It will include results from the last 24 hours and the last 7 days as well.

  • Last year for data published/updated within the last 365 days. It will include results from the last 24 hours, last 7 days, and last 30 days and exclude any result published beyond 365 days.

  1. Filter by Theme

Themes are the categories that you can search in. You can select more than one theme at a time. To ensure efficient results, select relative themes. We have divided the themes into the following:

  1. Filter by Region

Region provides the choice to filter Europe and Asia. You can choose more than one region in the drop-down.

  1. Filter by Providers

Providers are the same data sources as Filter in Home.

Last updated