Public Dataset
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When you click on a suggested public dataset on Discovery, an AI Insight suggested visualization, or a dataset from your search result, Wobby redirects you to the View Dataset window that gives you virtually unlimited tools to view and manipulate the data.
The Public Dataset page includes:
Overview of the dataset that this section will cover indepth in Introduction.
Data Explorer: The actual dataset in tabular form.
AI-Generated Insights: Visualizations of topics extracted from the main dataset.
Related Data: That you may find beneficial and supporting for your research.
Suggested Databases: Automatically suggested by Wobby to aid your research.
Click Back to Discovery if you would like to go back to the search results.
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Click Add to Favorites to add the public datasets to your Favorites (for quicker access).
Click Add to Workspace to begin analyzing the data in Workspace. Alternatively, a popup on the bottom right of Discovery dashboard popsup whenever the dataset is opened.
Primary dataset title.
Dataset provider.
Last updated
Themes covered.
Dataset location.
Dataset time period (this dataset consists of data from 2011 to 2020).
Rate of data occurrence (this dataset consists of data recorded annually, alternatively it could be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, and bi-annually, etc.).
Unit of occurrence (this dataset's unit is rate).
Dataset description.
The table consists of columns of data with the following features:
Column Heading
Data category in the column whether Categorical, Textual, Geospatial, Temporal
Column description and its relevance to the dataset.
Data in rows.
If the number of columns exceeds the viewable window:
Zoom out the window, or
Drag the bottom slider (at bottom of table) to right/left to view the entire data.
Expand a column to view its View complete column title, Data type, Categories, and Missing Values.
Adust column width.
Right-click on a row to: Copy row data, Copy row data with headers, Copy row data with group headers, and Export to CSV or Excel format.
Click on Filter to slide out the filters, and select specific data to view accordingly.
For example: If you would like to view the infant mortality rate for females only, then click on Filters -> sex -> Select Female, unselect Male.
To filter data for other columns, follow the same process.
To View/Hide columns, click on Column on the right-hand side of the table, and select/unselect column headers according to your research goal.
To view all columns:
Use the scrollbar at the bottom of the table to scroll from left -> right, or
Zoom in/out of the browser window
To view all rows:
Click on the left/right arrows to move to the previous/next pages.
Click on the left/right arrows to move to the first/last pages.
As described in AI-Generated Insights earlier, the suggested analytics that are generated beside search results in Discovery, the same are displayed in this section as well.
Wobby suggests related public datasets to complement/enhance your research. This relationship is built upon the similarity in dataset frequency (annual, in this case) and units (rate, in this case).
Wobby provides other search results as suggestions: