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Wobby's Discovery section provides a headstart toward your research goals by providing an unfiltered, in-depth collection of public datasets from trusted sources.
Enter your search intent in the Search box and click Enter.
Publish time is the publication duration of the data. Choose between:
Any time for unrestricted results with context to time frame.
Last 24 hours for data published/updated within the last 24 hours only.
Last 7 days for data published/updated within the last week only. It will include results from the last 24 hours as well.
Last 30 days for data published/updated within the last month only. It will include results from the last 24 hours and last 7 days as well.
Last year for data published/updated within the last 365 days. It will include results from the last 24 hours, last 7 days, and last 30 days and exclude any result published beyond 365 days.
Themes are the categories that you can search in. You can select more than one theme at a time. To ensure efficient results, select relative themes. We have divided the themes into the following:
Region provides the choice to filter Europe and Asia. You can choose more than one region in the drop-down.
Sort By lets you sort your search results by Relevance or Recent.
Relevance filters the search results by sorting the most relevant on top. The search results appear regardless of the timeline in which the dataset has been uploaded to the source.
Recent filters the search results by sorting the most recent from descending to ascending. The search results sorted according to descending to ascending date disregard relevance to search intent but provide updated search results.
Indicator for a recent update to the dataset. When you hover over the icon, a tooltip displays 'Dataset is very recent'
The Search result title is the title of each result according to search intent. The title is displayed from the source.
The body of the search result briefly describes the data.
States the data source Provider for the search result.
The number of days back the data was updated/uploaded.
Data timeframe.
AI Insights - the number of data insights Wobby has automatically created based on the comprehensivity of the dataset.