โœ๏ธData Format

Data Format

Wobby cannot analyze composite spreadsheets or irregularly formatted data. Avoid:

  • Multiple sections. Your spreadsheet cannot have multiple sections.

  • Multiple tables. Similar to the point above, there should not be multiple tables in your uploaded sheet.

Wobby parses and performs accurate, and error-free data analysis and chart creation with structured data (in singular columns). We suggest the following best practices for a foolproof and smooth data analysis process:

  • Column headers. Descriptive column headers must be in the first row.

  • Tabulation. Your data should be in the form of rows of records below the headers.

  • Universality. Simple language for column names instead of unknown jargon.

In the case of a CSV file, Wobby supports these separators/delimiters:

  • Tabs

  • Pipes

  • Commas

  • Semicolumns

Last updated